Rococo Chocolates – A Luxury Chocolate Complementing Champagne to Best


Whenever Luxury wines and foods are being talked about, Rococo chocolates cannot be forgotten. These silky, delicious and dark chocolates having a variety of flavors and shades remind you of the colorful moods that these goodies bring along. So, when you want to treat yourself with something as sexy as dark desire, Rococo chocolates – the luxury food of the connoisseurs hits the highest pedestal of good choice.

The finest of the lot, Rococo chocolates the name is, offer a number of reasons to fall in love with them; the most prominent being the taste. Truffles Roses au Marc de Champagne is the signature chocolate that can make even the chocolate haters their big fans. These chocolates or pink champagne truffles are filled with creamy dark chocolate, given another coating of white chocolate which is further embellished with tastefully set crystallized rose petals. When you are done sending flowers to your sweetheart, just give a scrumptious twist to the idea of sending gifts and win her heart with these delightful pink colored truffles laden with heavenly taste if dark chocolates. Beware, the other truffle after the one is something you won’t be able to resist, no matter how hard you may try.

Chantal Coady is the person behind these tastier, creamier and textured chocolates popularly known as Rococo Chocolates. The brand came into being in the year 1983, when Ms Coaty could not resist the idea of owning a line of her favorite food, also known as the Food of the Gods, our very own chocolates. So, she gave the world the most attractive chocolates made truly kaleidoscopically with attractive wrappers, herbal flavors and other eccentric ingredients like rum, champagne etc. Rococo undoubtedly became the signature luxury food that very soon got teamed with wines and made terrific gift option.

Rococo chocolates are available in a variety of tastes ranging from rich cocoa to milk, from coffee to caramel. These chocolates are developed with individualistic approach and every range goes through stringent quality tests before hitting the stands. No wonder, these chocolates are the most respected luxury foods that shot to fame very soon after their inception. The best part of the Rococo chocolates is that these are environment-friendly and are prepared organically. So, when you are looking for something truly indulging, lip-smacking and truly organic to eat if that hunger pang strikes you, Rococo chocolates are a must-think and you will surely be mesmerized by their premium quality.


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