Switzerland With The Eyes Of The Inexperienced Tourist


A traveling to the magical Switzerland is the dream of many travelers from all over the world. There is everything for the adventurer: majestic mountains, blue lakes, stunning castles.

About the road.

The road from Geneva Airport to Vevey takes just over an hour by car, and at this hour you will enjoy the stunningly beautiful views of Lake Geneva, surrounded by the Alps, not believing your eyes after the gray routine. Also, thanks to a convenient transport interchange, the town can be reached by train in the daytime.

If you arrive in the evening, the Riviera will meet you with warm amazing sunset, and you will not be able to put aside the phone because it is simply impossible to do there. Every moment you think about taking your phone and shooting everything around you in order to capture the next moment forever. This beauty is so addictive that you constantly try to remember this moment with your eyes and not to miss a thing.

About the merriment.

Every Saturday on the main square Vevey everybody is welcome to cheer up their measured life, participating in the fair as a seller or a buyer. Getting up early in the morning, charging all the necessary equipment and having a hearty breakfast, go to conquer the Swiss. The atmosphere of the city will set you on the right way of unusually calm Switzerland spirit.

Like the fairs, Swiss farms are something special. Here everything is based on trust to each other and respect for someone else’s work. You may be surprised, but you will not find a single seller on the farm. You take the goods you need, weigh them and put the money in the box at the exit. And it works here. You trust them, they trust you. There is no cheating. The first-time coming tourists feel only sincere surprise (the first couple of days) from such honesty and sincerity at every turn.

About the lake.

It is important to draw attention to Lake Geneva. Every tourist who arrives there will notice this incredible water surface, separating the coasts of Switzerland and France when just looking out the window of the porthole. Even a person who doesn’t like to swim will feel the desire to plunge into this blue water. But what is surprising, you will see not so many Swiss in the water, even on the hottest day. Local people consider it unhygienic to swim in the lake together with an incredible number of swans (which every self-respecting tourist must feed) and pets, escaping from the heat. Apparently, in connection with this, you will not find free equipped beaches, and on the coastal zone of the paid beach, there are swimming pools for children and adults.

For a note, the water in the lake is incredibly clean and pleasant, and in the pool water is too warm for hot summer weather, and is good only if you swim in it on a frosty winter day.

About the weather.

It is possible to talk for hours about the local weather. A warm summer day here can turn into a rainy evening. And this is an incredible sight. In the sky, violent colors wake up: the blue color is replaced by violet, pink and peach. And you understand that in the evening you will have a cup of tea and unforgettable views of the stormy lake. And next morning you wake up from the sunlight, coming through the window, and have a breakfast, go eagerly to explore the streets of the many villages in the district. After all, each house is simultaneously similar and different from each other.

You can spend many days, studying Switzerland on the internet, as well as explore the corners of its soul – the mountains, but it would be better for you to put it on his list of the nearest travels and enjoy these emotions on your own. Thanks to our friends from Yesdates.com for providing this article.


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